FecNtrak is the Florida East Coast Railway Society's modular N scale model train layout. It prototypically models operations and locations along the current day Florida East Coast Railway from Jacksonville all the way to Miami. It also features models of Brightline. In 2017, the layout won second place at the NMRA National Train Show.
No. Originally based off of the oNetrak standard, our group has slowly evolved to have our own standards for module contruction and wiring, therefore, losing compatibility with other standards.
FecNtrak does not have a home base per say. Our members are located all along the east coast of Florida and only set up at our events. Several of our members are clustered in Brevard County. Since our membership is spread out, we do not have regular meetings or workdays.
A small portion of the layout is currently open on the first Saturday of the month at the Brevard Museum of History and Natural Science in Cocoa, FL. Otherwise, portions of the layout are set up 3 or 4 times a year. This includes the FECRS annual convention in June and at our Trains Trains Trains event at the Central Brevard Library in Cocoa in July. We also set up at a variety of other events that change each year. In years past this has also included the Martin County Model Railroaders train show, the Valiant Air Command Veterans Day Weekend Open House, Prototype Rails, and the 2017 NMRA National Train Show.
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