The Florida East Coast Railway Society has a variety of online groups on multiple platforms that our members use to stay in touch between events.
A general interest Facebook group that is active with information on current operations, photos, videos, and historical information. You need not be a member of the Society to be a member of this group.
Up-to-date information on the Society's fecNtrak modular layout. Get information of future setups and photos of the layout.
A group exclusive for members of the Society. It is a place we can share exclusive content, like current train schedules, to our members and provides an opportunity to interact with other members.
A general interest mailing list that pre-dates the Society. Today it is primarily used to send train location reports out. You need not be a member of the Society to subscribe to this list.
All FECRS members should be subscribed to the FECRS mailing list to keep updated on conventions, meetings, and club business. All directors and team members are there to answer questions. Plus, this mailing list is used to notify members quickly of information affecting them.
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